Thursday, September 17, 2009

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) personality inventory is to make the theory of type-preference understandable and useful in people’s lives. Much of the seemingly random variations in behavior are actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception (information gathering) and judgment (decision making).

What is Preference?

Our brains are all hard wired for preference. Like handedness, preference is the method that is most natural, dominant, and requires the least amount of effort. Preference is what you would choose if two alternatives were equally rewarded.Identifying your preference does not remove the option of using your non-preference, but can give you insight into what may be automatic – your default mode.Preferences are independent of skill or ability. If you are right handed and you write something with your right hand, there is no guarantee that it will be neat and legible. Likewise, if you are right handed and write something with your left hand, it’s not a given that it will be sloppy or illegible – with practice and focus on the desired skill of left-handed writing, you could actually get quite good at it!

The Dichotomies
There are 4 pairs of dichotomies that create 16 unique "Types"... your energy flow is described as either Introversion or Extraversion, your perceiving process is described as either Sensory or iNtuitive, your decision making process as either Thinking or Feeling and your outer-world orientation as option oriented (Perceiving) or closure oriented (Judging).

Learn More - Book a Workshop
I am available for one-on-one coaching sessions, buisiness workshops for executives or general staff audiences and have special workshops designed for church groups exploring the relationship between Type and Spiritual Gifts.

Contact us to book a workshop.

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